Tuesday, February 17, 2009

CONTROLLED aggression in position

okay so i went a bit raise happy for a while there. not in necessarily a bad way at all, just... was definitely playing the maniac at the table for a while. it felt good though, i felt in control, but i was definitely subject to bigger swings than i'm used to, or can maybe handle for now. for example, i was really laying into one of my tables for like three straight orbits. of 20 hands i had probably raised 15 preflop and/or tried to take them with bets/raises on the flop, successfully for the most part, i was up a bit, losing a pot every now and then to a reraise, but taking down the vast majority of the small pots without contention, then i woke up with A/J on the button, made my standard preflop raise for probably the fourth time in a row(4xbb), and the BB pushes back a bit, popping it to 9bb, barely more than a minraise. i decide i'm well ahead of his range given how the table's gone, and to take advantage of my hyper-aggro image, i push all in for about 50bb, and he calls me up almost instantly with KJ. this is the most fun poker i've played in a while, regardless of the fact the flop came QKK and i didn't catch up. i couldn't have asked for a better situation there, and i knew exactly where i was.

this isn't to say i've been totally crazy all night. i go through spurts of hyper aggression, then fall back to really tight, more ABC play, then snap to crazy aggressive for a run, then fall back to tight, straightforward. i think this is overall a much healthier pattern than my previous apathetic habit of slightly loose but straightforward play, devolving into loose passive play mixed with some spewey tilt, back to some tighter straightforward play, then sliding back down the losse/passive slope...

wonder how this will play out if i can keep it up for some SnGs or MTTs tomorrow evening perhpas... provided i still have a bankroll. for now, i unfortunately have to call it a night....


aggression in position. that's the lesson for today that i'm trying to apply in full force today. it's going well so far. playing some micro at cake, 2 tables for now, since some awesome tournament action has that account down to $4.

it feels like the right adjustment i need to make right now - i've been slipping into slightly passive play.

going well so far.

probably switching to stars SnGs later or some multi tables anywhere. maybe a big field tourney to end the night...

Friday, February 13, 2009


i think i make broad overarching adjustments too soon based on too little info. i'm quick try to adjust my game to the slightest tendencies of opponents, which really just makes me stray from optimal play too far too quickly.

adjusting is good, overadjusting is bad.

focusing on just playing my game for now.

also i'm going to entirely stop playing all but premium hands from the small blind, and pocket pairs with a limper or two. i have no idea wtf is going on there, but it's disgusting.

Monday, February 2, 2009


so my last paycheck was a little bit bigger than usual, apparently i get some sort of stipends or allowances this time of year. i have no idea what for, but i'm using the little bit of extra dough to get started at pokerstars. i hear good things all around, and i think i like they're rewards system better than FT, so we'll see how this goes. if my deposit goes through tonight(have to do echeck or something since they don't take my visa for some reason) i'll post some stats and analysis post mortem. otherwise we'll see if i feel like a few SnGs back at FT or somethin.

i also found a few cardrunner vids to watch that i'm pretty excited about. so. off to find my routing number and await confirmation... says 10 days max, but last time i did something like this it went in less than an hour. we shall see....

that was quick. exciting - they have super micro limits, which might make my $50 deposit a bit more workable. i think i'll start by feeling out micro LHE 6max and maybe switching to NL 6max depending on how i feel. gonna start with... 2 tables for tonight i think, maybe i'll push to 4 if i'm feeling good and get PT configured.

sweet, and we're off.

dropping LHE for a bit. i have no idea what ANYTHING means in these super micro lhe tables.

pretty comfortable 3 tabling .01/.02 nl 6max. i'll post how this goes in a bit.

on FT, mwUP increases your bet in BB increments, on stars it's mwDN. taking a surprising amount of getting used to. gotta figure out how to get PT3 to put the HUD stats in the right spots, too. don't know if it's cuz i'm moving seats or if "favorite seat" fixes that, but we'll see....

definitely more comfortable at NL6max at these stakes. tonight at least.

post mortem to come later, gotta get some sleep.

approx 12 BB/100, 26/15/3 over 600 hands. an alright start methinks.