Friday, January 23, 2009


so it's the weekend. once we're done skating through the rest of this work day, i think i'm gonna be pretty excited to put in a serious session or four this weekend. i think the plan is to not be hypercritical. i want to focus on the things i'm learning, the gaps i want to fill, but i mostly just want to play... not quantity over quality, but i want to put a lot more hands and tournaments in than i have so far, and while i want to do that in a proactive, positive manner, i also don't want to continue to try to adjust and over analyze for now. i want to find my a game and what it looks like for now, and then maybe dive back into analysis during the week.

so i think the plan is to leave this post alone for now, record video and audio if circumstances permit, but focus on applying what i know, not changing or fixing anything, and just trying to get into a good fun groove. i'll probably ease myself into three tables again and see how i feel about it since i won't be trying to annotate anything, just trying to keep an active thought process going into all of my decisions.

in the mean time i have two more hours of "work" to get through. looks like they'll be spent on the 2+2 forums and/or gleaning what i can from sample stox/cr vids til i can get membership hook ups. that and SC2 info.... hm.

i'm also anxious to get back into 6max NL and LHE tables - i think the improvements i've made will really help there. i'm considering reducing my requirements for reincorporating those games. i think we'll see how tonight goes and how i feel about it all.

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